Staff from three HRA member organizations shared their experience running virtual peer reviews from coordinating reviewers and managing conflicts virtually, to fostering productive discussion and making the most various technologies... read more →
Philanthropy is growing and gaining visibility around the world. Increasingly, donors are expanding their portfolios to include local and global giving as strategies to address issues that are important to... read more →
Members often ask HRA which Grants Management System other organizations use. This page show the data gathered from a survey of the membership in 2019. To access the detailed survey report... read more →
The open access platform makes it easy to share research recipes and to collaborate on method development, both publicly and privately. This free platform addresses lack of reproducibility due to less than... read more →
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) play a hidden but critical role in the common project to advance knowledge and improve life experience. They ensure that the imperatives of science are balanced... read more →
In response to a listserv post in June 2019, several organizations sent responses regarding their organizations' analyses of concordance among reviewers’ scores. Those responses are collected in the linked document.... read more →
In response to a listserv post and a request by the Grants Administration Working group in July 2019, around reporting requirements and payment schedule, several organizations sent language used in... read more →
Thank you to the MANY organizations who contributed progress report and financial report templates. These are compiled in the linked document. If you have edits to your organization's information or... read more →
The Grants Administration Working Group held a webinar that featured presentations from fellow HRA members on their respective grants management databases. • Catrina Bryant from the Beckman Foundation spoke about... read more →
The Donaghue Foundation and the Health Research Alliance joined with HealthDataViz, a Boston firm that specializes in helping healthcare organizations design and present visual displays of data, and offered this... read more →