Peer Circles Program


What are Peer Circles?

As part of the Health Research Alliance’s Professional Development Program, Peer Circles provide an opportunity to enhance your professional capacity and network.  Peer Circles meet regularly to discuss various topics related to navigating the professional world and achieving career goals.  These meetings aim to build community among individuals at similar career stages and allow group members to learn from each other and build their network.  Peer Circles also provide a forum to support others in finding solutions to challenges faced in the workplace. Members can help their peers reflect on the issues at hand with new perspectives, allowing them each to develop a path forward.

Who are the members of a Peer Circle?

Peer Circles will be made up of groups of ~4-7 individuals from different Health Research Alliance (HRA) member organizations with similar career roles.

How often should Peer Circles meet?

Once circles are formed, circles should schedule virtual meetings approximately monthly. Participants must do their best to attend all scheduled meetings of the circle, with the understanding that personal and professional emergencies may arise.

Are there any other expectations I should keep in mind?

  1. All discussions within Peer Circles should remain respectful and confidential.
  2. Participants will be asked to respond to periodic surveys about their experience in the program, as well as a brief final evaluation survey at the end of the program.

How do I sign up to be a member of a Peer Circle?

Sign-ups for the next cohort of the Peer Circles program are open through October 4, 2024! Please fill out this form to sign up.

For questions please email Marina Triplett, HRA’s professional development intern at [email protected] .

What resources are available to help my circle plan meetings?

HRA has developed the following:


The program currently has 82 active members from 52 member HRA organizations that have remained consistently engaged.

  • 2 cohorts (Spring 2023 and Winter 2024)
  • 17 groups of 4-7 people

Program participants have indicated what they found to be the most enjoyable or valuable part of the program:

  • Forming professional connections with colleagues in similar roles at other HRA member organizations
  • Having discussions about challenges common across multiple organizations
  • Sharing common resources, issues, interests, challenges, and feelings

Overall program satisfaction as indicated by responses to mid-program survey for Spring 2023 cohort: