HRA Analyzer (HRA Members only)

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The HRA Analyzer (formerly called HRA Reporter) is a real time, searchable database of awards made HRA member organizations whose goal is to represent the full scope of awards by nonprofit organizations to provide a clearer picture of the biomedical research funding landscape. HRA Analyzer enables data-driven analysis and strategic grantmaking by HRA members. It also fosters collaboration between organizations with aligned programs and missions.

Currently, the HRA Analyzer represents well over $18B billion in funding and more than 60,000 separate grants from 2006 to the present.

HRA partnered with Digital Science to create the database – it is a customized version of Digital Science’s flagship offering, Dimensions, a global award database covering hundreds of funders and with over $1 trillion in historical and future funded research.

HRA Analyzer will follow the model of the National Institutes of Health’s NIH RePORTER, which provides comprehensive information on research projects funded by the NIH and other federal agencies. No comparable database previously existed to capture investment in biomedical research by the nonprofit community, which was estimated to represent almost $5 billion in 2015, according to Research!America.

HRA Analyzer functionality includes automated coding of research areas using multiple different taxonomies, the ability to drill down to individual grant data including associated publications, and the power to visualize data and trends in a variety of ways. HRA Analyzer not only includes HRA members’ awardee data but also includes NIH funding and publication data as well.

HRA Analyzer is only accessible to HRA members and individuals’ data is not to be shared publicly. HRA members should include wording about Analyzer in award agreements or Terms and Conditions documents.  Suggested wording is below.


The Awardee and Institution give FUNDER X the right to reveal their names and other award information in any Funder web content, publications, programs, promotional, advocacy, and fundraising efforts and further to place their information into the Health Research Alliance’s ( online database of privately funded grants accessible to staff at member of the Health Research Alliance only called HRA Analyzer.  The data in HRA Analyzer data will only be shared publicly in aggregate.

Funder X will not use the names of awardees and institution to endorse or oppose Funders’ products or services, without express written permission from Awardee and Institution.


The 2010-2019 Grantmaking Report highlights Health Research Alliance members’ significant contributions to health-related research, training and career development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The analyses presented in the Report are derived from 10 years of data submitted by HRA members into HRA’s proprietary awardee database, HRA Analyzer.

We also created a 2010-2019 Grantmaking Report for HRA Members Only for which you must be logged in to access.

HRA Analyzer Webinar Series

HRA Analyzer Lunch & Learn [June 21, 2023]

HRA Analyzer Onboarding Webinar [November 2, 2022]

Recordings and slide decks to all webinars in the 2020 series can be found here.

  • 4/30/20:  Kickoff/Intro to HRA Analyzer
  • 5/7/20:  Data Upload
  • 5/14/20: Landscape Analysis
  • 5/21/20: The Grants Process – from finding reviewers to duplicative submission and overlap in funding
  • 5/28/20: Portfolio Analyses
  • 6/4/20: How To Use/Access “Offline Data”

For More Information

For Help:

  • HRA member-specific questions or to have your user id generated: maryrose [at] healthra [dot] org