
Grants Administration Community: 2025 Kick-off and Looking Ahead [January 23, 2025]

Happy New Year! This Grants Administration Community meeting was on Thursday, January 23rd, and was a kick-off call for 2025 and looking at the year ahead. As always, our programming is designed to bring greatest interest/benefit to HRA members, so we are glad to have your input! We discussed continuing our monthly open mic webinars and recording them versus keeping them private/confidential, topics of interest, ideas for new surveys for the membership (our most recent one was the Grants Management Software survey in 2024), and more.

Pending continued member interest, the Grants Admin Community will plan to hold recurring monthly webinars in an open mic-style format—unless there is a topic that lends itself to an invited expert speaker(s)—around two or three pre-planned topics based on common listserv questions and per member request to spark candid discussion. These webinars are not limited to the scheduled topics, and will unfold as the conversation dictates, offering common problems and potential (ideally evidence-based) solutions.  Please see and add to the running list of topics here.

Grants Administration Community Co-Chairs:

  • Orlando Green, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
  • Christy Hudson, Philanthropic Advisor, Life Sciences Programming
  • Sonia McStay, Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation