
Health Research Alliance Convening on Bullying and Harassment [February 26, 2024]

This convening was generously hosted by the Doris Duke Foundation

Bullying, harassment, and toxic research environments can impact all members of the scientific community, including graduate students, early career researchers, and established tenured faculty. Biomedical researchers are more likely than the general population to experience depression and anxiety, in part because of these working conditions, with the COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbating many of these issues. Toxic research culture can manifest in many ways, such as professional misconduct, which includes both inappropriate behaviors and research misconduct. This convening explored ways in which funders can prevent and address inappropriate behaviors, including bullying, harassment, and discrimination, both independently and in partnership with other sectors. Research misconduct, while an important topic with harmful consequences for the scientific community, was outside of the focus of this convening.