To help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on biomedical research, we will be collecting, creating and posting resources developed by HRA staff, HRA members, and the broader community. Please let us know how we can help you.
Upcoming Events
2024 CEO Roundtables
9/24/24 12-1pm ET
HRA will be hosting roundtables giving CEOs (including Presidents, Executive Directors, etc) of HRA Member organizations the opportunity to network and learn from their peers. Previous roundtables discussions have covered strategic planning and human resource issues such as remote and hybrid work, compensation, and expanding programs under increasing expense constraints,…
September Grants Administration Community Open Mic – Patient Advocates in Peer Review
9/25/24 2-3PM ET
The next Grants Administration Community open mic is on Wednesday, September 25th from 2:00-3:00pm ET. Based on popular demand, we will kick off the academic year with a discussion around using patient advocates in the review process! We will have some pre-planned speakers, and may even include an actual patient advocate…
Generative AI for Tracking and Communicating Research Impact [Fall 2024 HRA Members Meeting]
10/1/2024 10-11AM ET
The recent emergence of generative AI has many in the non-profit sector scrambling to keep up. This is especially true in terms of leveraging AI to measure, track and communicate the impact that research grant funding and its outcomes have on science and society. In this session, we will hear…
Meet the Members Meeting Sponsors
10/1/2024 11:00-11:15AM ET
Learn more about the Health Research Alliance member organizations that are generously sponsoring this Members Meeting. Presenters Amy Laster, PhD Senior Vice President, Science Strategy and Awards | Foundation Fighting Blindness Preeti Subramanian, PhD Director of Vision Science Programs | BrightFocus Foundation Joan Levy, PhD Chief Science Officer | Melanoma…
Upcoming Meetings
Fall 2024 HRA Members Meeting
9/30/24 (evening reception), 10/1/24 (all day program and evening reception), 10/2/24 (half day, ending by 12PM ET)
Registration has now closed. Please contact Jenna Hicks (jenna [at] healthra [dot] org) if you’d like to make changes to your existing registration. The Fall 2024 Health Research Alliance Members Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1 – Wednesday, October 2 in Alexandria, VA, hosted at the American Society…
Our Mission
The Health Research Alliance, a collaborative member organization of nonprofit research funders, is committed to maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health.
over 55,000
Awards contained in HRA Analyzer
Billion total HRA member funding in HRA Analyzer
$1 Bil
February is Heart Health month. HRA Members provide over 1 billion dollars in support for Cardiovascular Research!
Latest Resources
Health Research Alliance (HRA) staff presented a short webinar to inform attendees about the activities and resources available to HRA members. Check out the recording and linked slide deck for more information about HRA’s events, activities, and resources.
HRA’s Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models Learning Community hosted Dr. Michael Pencina, a respected leader in AI, and Vice Dean for Data Science at Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Pencina spoke about where AI is heading in the medical and science fields and also discussed CHAI, Coalition for…
Thanks to Belinda Orland from the American Heart Association for starting a discussion about policies and practices for childcare costs incurred by awardees attending a scientific research conference. The document linked above summarizes HRA members contributions (available to HRA members only; you must be logged into the website to download…
Recent News
Introduction to HRA’s New Executive Director
Dear HRA members, I am delighted to introduce myself as the new Executive Director of the Health Research Alliance. My first 30 days as the Executive Director have been exciting and fulfilling! I have spent time getting to know the amazing HRA staff and interns, as well as some Board…
July 29, 2024HRA Names Christine Riordan, Ph.D. as their new Executive Director
The Health Research Alliance (HRA) announced today the appointment of its new Executive Director, Dr. Christine Riordan, effective June 17, 2024. Christine Riordan, Ph.D. Dr. Riordan will succeed retiring HRA Executive Director, Dr. Maryrose Franko, and will take on the leadership of the HRA, representing more than 100 nonprofit funders…
May 13, 20242023 Impact Report
Dear HRA members, In addition to sharing HRA’s 2023 Impact Report to celebrate our year of collective achievements, Jenna and I want to express our sincere appreciation for your on-going support and dedication to the mission of HRA. We could not have made the impact we did without you! We…
January 11, 2024HRA Happenings – November 2, 2023
Dear HRA members, We are packing quite a bit into the last two months of 2023 – hope you can take advantage of the many opportunities listed below. Check it out The new and improved Member Profiles page is live on HRA’s website! This public-facing page displays member organization’s names,…
November 3, 2023HRA Happenings – August 16, 2023
Dear HRA members, I am starting this newsletter with major HRA staff news! Goodbye Annette ☹ After 13 years helping HRA grow to be the fantastic organization it is today, Annette is stepping down to take advantage of other opportunities. I am thrilled for Annette, but of course it’s a…
August 16, 2023HRA Happenings – June 27, 2023
Dear HRA members, Happy Summer! HRA will continue to host events throughout the summer, though with less frequency. Upcoming events are listed below, as are links to new resources. Included in those resources are 3 of our newest types of resources – “Key Ideas.” Check them out! Also – please…
June 27, 2023Featured Platform
HRA Analyzer
Demonstrating the impact of HRA Member funding
The HRA Analyzer is a real time, searchable database of awards made by its 75 members. As of the launch, the database represents $8.9 billion in funding and over 31,000 separate grants from 2006 to the present. Check out Digital Science’s blog post of the HRA-UberResearch partnership.